Address Registration in Turkey for Foreigners | How to Register your Address at Immigration Office

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Address Registration in Turkey for Foreigners | How to Register your Address at Immigration Office

Address registration steps for foreigners in Turkey

In this week's episode, I explain the address registration steps for foreigners in Turkey. Address registration is very important during your stay in Turkey. You can learn about:
- What is a address registration and what is it used for?
- Where to register your address
- Required documents for address registration
- Getting the address registration document from E-devlet
- Neighborhoods that are not eligible for address registration

Feel free to comment on this video if you have any questions!

Section 1: What is address registration?
- The government keeps track where foreigners live. In case of emergency, government sends notification to that address.
- You can use your registered address for residence permit renewal.
- Most of the banks ask for address registration document to open bank account.

Section 2: Where do you need to go to register your address?
- Before 2022, both foreigners and Turkish citizens register their address at civil registration office (nufus idaresi).
- After 2022, the foreigners need to register their address at the immigration office.
- In big cities some immigration offices are responsible for the address registration of specific neighborhoods. I share the list of Istanbul at the bottom of this description.

Section 3: Which documents are required to register address?
- The immigration office asks for rent contract and utility bill (electricity, water, gas, internet)
- If you live in a residence where bills are paid by the company, you need to get a stamped paper from the residence company that explains the situation.

Section 4: How to get your address registration document on e-devlet?
- You need to get e-devlet password from post office (ptt)
- You need to login to your e-devlet and type "Yerleşim Yeri Belgesi" or "İkametgah Belgesi".
- Then, you can download the address registration pdf.

Section 5: Neighborhoods that are not allowed for address registration
- Due to high number of foreigners in some areas, government doesn't allow address registration from these neighborhoods.
- I share the full list at the bottom of this descrtiption.